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3-D Imaging Technology in Dentistry

The iTero Scanner Captures Your Teeth in 3-D

Our Technology Improves Our Patients’ Experience

State of the art digital technology at White Oak Family Dentistry in Garner, NC just took a step up. The addition of the iTero Element 2 Intraoral Digital Scanner will improve your dental experience by creating a blueprint of your teeth and gums In less than 10 minutes. This detailed scan captures each tooth in 3-D, all surfaces displayed in real time, as our trained hygienists move and rotate the small scanning wand over your teeth. As the wand moves over each tooth surface, thousands of images are caught and digitally assembled to create an accurate model of your mouth, teeth and surrounding gums. During the scan it’s possible to visualize an area that hasn’t been captured and re-scan the missing or unclear area immediately. The amplified color of the model on the screen makes uncaptured areas easy to detect. The 3D model is used to determine the best treatment plan for you. The scan is saved as a digital file which can be sent to a lab and used to improve your smile.

See your oral history with Timelapse

The Timelapse feature of this amazing scanner allows your dentist to monitor changes in your oral health. Wear and tear on teeth or shifting can be tracked by comparing a previous scan with a recent one. A diagnosis can be made and treatment discussed to prevent further deterioration.

Quicker, cleaner & more versatile

The digital scan can be used for implant placement, exposing impacted teeth (usually associated with wisdom teeth) or tooth alignment. Digital files created by the 3-D scanner can be used to create Invisalign aligner trays if misalignment is noted. Invisalign’s Outcome Simulator can then display final results expected with Invisalign Clear Aligners.

The iTero Element 2 Scanner eliminates the need for messy goop in an impression tray. Many times impressions have to be redone due to poor fit and discomfort of the formed product. Digital scanning is more comfortable and accurate while obtaining superior results.

Sharp, colored, digital images facilitate the patient in understanding the needed treatment and a plan for improvement can be discussed.

Computer imaging technology has made enormous strides in recent years. Once again, White Oak Family Dentistry in Garner, NC is revolutionizing dental care. For the most up to date dental experience schedule your appointment with White Oak Family Dentistry. Call 919.986.0151 or schedule an appointment online today at White Oak Family Dentistry.

Written by White Oak Family Dentistry

White Oak Family Dentistry provides top quality dental care to patients in Garner, Clayton, Raleigh and the surrounding area. We specialize in crowns, veneers, bridges and all types of dental hygiene and care with a true compassion for our patients' comfort and well being. Call us today at (919) 986-0151 to schedule and appointment.